The Encyclopedia of Female Persian Heroic Figures

The Encyclopedia of Female Persian Heroic Figures

Author: Marziyeh Azgoli

Illustrated by: Rudabeh Khaef

Mehrabe Ghalam Publishing

Number of Pages: 80

This collection includes episodes on female Persian heroic figures. “Sabur”, “Jamil and Jamileh”, “Mah Pishuni”, “Mina and the Tiger”, “The Old Hack and the Lady in the Pumpkin” and “Nardane” are some o the key female protagonists of Persian popular legends. Being either historical or purely imaginative, there legends have been utilized as popular bedtime stories. Therefore, the children were become fairly accustomed with the heroic culture of the ancient Persia and tried to transform this sense of heroism and nationalism to their next generations. Similar to comic strip series, the present collection has been illustrated so that the legends can become dramatically interesting.   


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