Persian Proverbs and Their Mysteries

Persian Proverbs and Their Mysteries

Author: Mohammad Mir Kiyayee

Mehrabe Ghalam Publishing

Number of Pages: 300

Persian language is the abode of interesting proverbs. Filled with stories and mysteries, Persian proverbs are very popular among Iranians. What is not that much popular is the mystery each proverb is constituted of. In Persian Proverbs and Their Mysteries, mysterious conundrums of hundreds of Persian proverbs will be explicated and the level of their sweetness and writerly qualities will be revealed.

Being sweet and writerly, the Persian proverbs are didactic as well. In Persian Proverbs and Their Mysteries, interesting information concerning Persian history and customs will be divulged and the reasons why a number of them had been camouflaged in such cryptic structures will be analyzed. Since the intended readers of the present book are the adolescent generation, the utilized language is simplistic. In 2012, the present book was translated into Tajik by the renounced Tajik literary figure, Shaere Mohammad. 

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