The Six Thousands Years Old Green Man

The Six Thousands Years Old Green Man

Author: Fariba Kalhor

Edited by: Jale Rastani

Mehrabe Ghalam Publishing

Number of Pages: 180

In this story, the life of a mysterious man has been depicted. The six thousand years old green man has been following by a group of elite spies so that he could be arrested as soon as possible. He has always eloped his way magically whenever he felt the presence of authorities. The following excerpt represents a brief section of this exciting book for the adolescent generation: “Putting his suitcase on the ground, he knew that it was already late; now that every living soul in the neighborhood had been informed of his presence in the house. He was somehow expecting the spies and his arrest. He had nowhere to escape to. Even the remotest places in the world had been monitored by the authorities. It is as if no where had remained pristine from his presence.”  


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