This is My Dream


This is My Dream

Author: Fariba Montazer Zohour

Number of Pages: 213

The 110 episodes and short stories of this book focus upon ordeals of 42 children who have been bereft from education and have been working under excruciating circumstances. Fariba Montazer Zohour represents her writings after holding a series of free writing classes for a number of such children in Mehr Children Institution in Darvazeh Ghar vicinity of Tehran from 2010 to 2012. Being mostly Afghan children, they have been bereft from education in Iranian schools. The present collection endeavors to promote the right of education for Afghan children in Iran. Most of the short stories of the collection cover challenging experiences of work children who are involved in various occupational hazards instead of nurturing their childhood dreams and fantasies. Various types of tramping and peddling jobs are the only means for these children to support their vitiating families. Miss Zohour believes that it is only through free writing, fiction and literature in general that work children can acquire a contingent approximation towards their childhood dreams, since it is only through imaginative workings of literature that mankind can break away from the shackles of the alienated conditions of the sublunary.      

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