Smuggling Iranian Books Via Pakistan

Dr. Ajmal Aazem, Head of Afghanistan Publishers Union, called illegal taking taxes for importing books to Afghanistan and added, “According to the law, no taxes are legal for books and unfortunately it is done illegally only in Iran- Afghanistan border.” He also explained about illegal distribution of Iranian books across Afghanistan and said, “Although Iranian works account for about 90 percent of Afghanistan’s book market, the whole profit of this market is not for Iranian publishers; because some smugglers take them to Pakistan where they publish these books with low-quality papers and sell them with less prices. It is because of rarity of these books in the market, so if Iranian books canter Afghanistan very easily, then Afghan readers prefer to but high-quality works.”

He stressed that all current problems can be solved and added that to do a detailed and precise feasibility study is required. Presently, most feasibility studies are done based on Iranian book market, while Afghanistan has a completely separate market.

Ajmal Aazem, Alhoda’s former representative to Kabul, an activist in publishing industry of Afghanistan and head of Publishers union in this country, as the first speaker of the gathering explained about state of publishing and distributing books in Afghanistan and said, “Publishing and working in book field has improved in Afghanistan since early 1380’s. Afghanistan’s publishing industry has started to apply international standards and today it is equipped with modern printing houses as well as hardware and software equipments and facilities.”

Referring to both qualitative and quantitative development training centers and schools in Afghanistan, Aazem said, “Afghanistan society has started its strides towards science and it entails development of publishing industry in Afghanistan.” On the other hand, the developed publishing industry in Afghanistan has encouraged many audiences either inside or outside this country to read Afghan productions.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, Aazem continued, “Fortunately, today works of Afghan publishers have found many audiences; as you can study the statistics released about sales of Afghan books in Iran International Book Fairs and also inclination of Persian books agencies in Europe within three past years.”

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