Iran, Afghanistan's Humanities Sources' Supplier

Iran, Afghanistan’s Humanities Sources’ Supplier

Speaking in the specialized gathering of book exporting experience to Afghanistan, one of Afghanistan publishers said, “Most Afghanistan universities are active in humanities. To meet requirements of these universities including writing and translating valuable books, Afghanistan needs abundant working, human forces and capital; however, I need to confess here that Afghanistan is very weak in these areas. Therefore, it is Iranian publishers who meet most requirements of its universities.” This specialized gathering about experience of book exporting to Afghanistan has been attended by Dr. Ajmal Aazem, Head of Afghanistan Publishers Union, Ali Qolami, Alhoda’s former representative to Kabul and Ebrahim Shariati, the managing director of Erfan Publishing Institute and an active exporter of book to Afghanistan. They made their comments about the current condition of exporting books from Iran to Afghanistan. 

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