Rouhani: Scholars can monitor books than government

Rouhani: Scholars can monitor books better than government

 Attending the 32nd ceremony of the Book of the Year the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani stated that it is 150 years since new media have come to compete with books.

According to IBNA correspondent, the President said: “Some people believe that the age of reading books has come to an end with the arrival of new media in the area of information, transmission, whereas the truth is that book has not lost its value and standing by any means.”

Stressing that he strongly believes that the scholars can better handle the monitoring over book publication, Rouhani said: “It is certain that experts can better oversee whatever is related to them in any field better than the outsiders.”

The President further continued that other media are suitable for faster transmission, but thoughts and knowledge are still written in books and new media are all derived from books.

Pointing out that the root of the Iranian Revolution we are celebrating these days was in books, he said: “The Islamic Revolution is inspired by the thoughts of its leaders above them the Great Imam Khomeini.”

The President then continued that since the source of Islamic Revolution was in books, we did not experience book burnings in this revolution and so this was a revolution based on rationality, theology and research to untie knots from people’s material and spiritual life.


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