Translation of Persian Works to Other Languages To Be Developed

Translation of Persian Works to Other Languages To Be Developed

Dr. Abozar Ebrahimi, Head of Islamic Culture and Relations Organization (ICRO), referred to improvement of translation and publishing Iranian books, encouraging translators and foreign publishers to translate and publish Persian works in the world as the main objectives of TOP plan. Explaining about the TOP Plan of ICRO, DR. Ebrahimi described it as a giant stride to enhance the works published in Islamic Republic of Iran.

“ICRO has just started to compile and execute the plan of supporting translation and publishing Persian works to other languages, aka Translation of Persia (TOP), in order to encourage translators to translate Persian works to other languages”, he added.

Elsewhere in his remarks he said, “ Most countries that have valuable cultural works and deserved written heritage has embarked on making policies and comprehensive and detailed plans to support translation and publishing their works in the world. They often operationalize this through national plans for translation or formation of special agencies. Thanks to this plans, they have succeeded to promote their culture and literature among various nations of the world and also to provide proper bedrocks for development and extension of cultural relations and interactions.”

“To do so, The Translation and Publishing Islamic Concepts and Humanities Organizing Center of ICRO has compiled the national plan of TOP to encourage translators to translate Persian works to other languages. This plan has been endorsed by the international policy-making council.”

For shedding more lights on this plan, the head of ICRO said, “Both circulars and the implementation procedure of TOP plan have been finalized and it will be operationalized with the cooperation of Islamic Republic of Iran Cultural Representatives in more than 60 countries.”

“This plan intends to pay a certain part of costs of publishing books in other languages, as a supporting plan. It can be a good incentive for non-Iranian publishers to publish Persian works to other languages. As mentioned already, a part of the publishing costs is paid to the publisher; publishers also invest in this plan and they can publish and sell the works after translation process is finished,” he added.

Speaking about the current necessities of translation to other languages, which have been led to development of TOP plan, Dr. Ebrahimi said, “Translation of scientific and literary works, introduction of Islamic-Iranian points of view and perspectives from Persian to other languages, aka Translation Movement, are among the most important cultural objectives of Islamic Republic of Iran regime. They play a key role in sustainability and transferability of Islamic Iran thought and civilization to other nations. This plan not only will introduce Iranian authors and researchers in the global publishing market, but also it can make purposeful and mutual the interaction and communications among Iranian and foreign publishers as it can be a very useful tool to promote and develop book publishing market.”

In another part of his speech, Dr. Ebrahimi pointed out to experiences of other countries in introduction and publishing their culture and thoughts beyond their own borders and stated, “Historically, states used to support an encourage their translators to translate their domestic works to other languages, but recently this concentrated has shifted to international translators and publishers in order to promote translation and publishing of domestic works beyond the borders.”

To conclude his remarks, Dr. Ebrahimi explained about operationalization procedure of this plan and said, “The Translation and Publishing Islamic Concepts and Humanities Organizing Center of ICRO, as a national center, is tasked with organizing translation and publishing. It can used cultural representatives of I.R of Iran to more than 60 countries in order to connect to international publishes. It also can introduce the plan through participation in Book International fairs as well as virtual spaces.”




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