Alhoda's Agency in Afghanistan

Agency and sales department of Alhoda International Publishing Group in Afghanistan started to work in Kabul in 2003. Locating in Haji Yaghub intersection in Kabul City, the store showcases 2000 title books. Geography of Bamyan Province and geography of Ghazni Province, Afghanistan and its wonderful zone, etc. are among the books published in this agency.

Presently, agency and central store of Alhoda International Publishing Group in Kabul, Afghanistan, is one of successful book publishers in this country.

Another sales store of Alhoda in Afghanistan is located in Kabul University. This center with 2000 title books is a valid reference to provide academic books published in Iran.

Outstanding presence of Alhoda in Afghanistan has persuaded Afghan publishers to seek for permit to publish some Iranian books. It will be effective to prevent increasing trafficking of Iranian books in Afghanistan. Recently, Pakistani publishers has misused the interest of Afghan to Iranian books and print the popular Iranian books with low quality and inexpensive process and distribute them across Afghanistan.


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