"Mahjubah" number 327 was published in English

With the theme of Memorial Day for the Death of Imam Khomeini (RA) and the Resistance of Palestine people

Alhoda International, Cultural, Artistic and Publishing Institution published the 327th issue of its monthly magazine "Mahjubah" in English for those interested.

The 327th issue of the international magazine "Mahjubah" by Alhoda International, Cultural, Artistic and Publishing Institution was prepared, produced and published internationally around two strategic issues: "Commemorating the anniversary of the Death of Imam Khomeini (RA)" and "Preserving the great resistance of the oppressed and proud people of Palestine and their latest victories in the struggle against the oppressive regime of Israel".


The topics of this special issue are as follows:

• Republishing the Message of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, on the occasion of the Victory of the Palestinians

• Republishing the Message of the President of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization on the occasion of the victory of the Palestinians

• "Imam Khomeini (RA), Great Leader of all Time" by Ahmad Rashid, President of Pakistan Islamic Union Association

• "Worship from Imam Khomeini’s Perspective" written by Mohammad Kazem Taqavi

• "Israel on the Road to Fall" by Mohsen Pak Ayin

• "The Moral Life" written by Mir Mohammad Saei introduces Imam Khomeini`s personality and his moral-based lifestyle

• "Honoring Imam Khomeini (RA)" written by Khamees Muhammad, an author from Nairobi

• "Justice from Imam Khomeini's Perspective" written by Kahumbi Maina from Kenya

• A beautiful essay in honour of occupied Palestine called "My Dear Mother, Palestine"

• Three short literary texts on Palestinian oppression

• The article "Victory" by Nayereh Tawhidi talks about the struggle of the Palestinian people and the humiliation of the Israeli usurpation regime.


The PDF file can be downloaded here:

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