Al-Tahira Magazine was Published in Arabic on the Occasion of the Month of Dhu al-Hajjah and the Beginning of the Abrahamic Hajj Ceremony.

Al-Tahira Magazine with the subject of Hajj, Self-improvement, Unity and Defense of Palestine was published and unveiled in line with the explanation of the doctrines and teachings of Hajj.

At the same time as the Hajj season of 2022 and the presence of the Kaaba pilgrims in the land of revelation and line with the explanation of the teachings of the Abrahamic Hajj and familiarization with the philosophy of Hajj from Quran and Ahl al-Bayt`s view and introducing the thoughts of Imam Khomeini and the Supreme Leader regarding this divine ritual, Al-Hoda International Cultural and Artistic Institute, in cooperation with the Communications Department of the International Besat Deputy of the Supreme Leader, prepared and edited and published a special issue on the topic of Hajj, self-improvement and unity, and defence of Palestine in the form of Al-Tahira international publication.

The main topics of this publication are as follows:

The article "Hajj portrays the unity of the Muslims of the world and their will for the liberation of the Holy Quds" written by Hujjat al-Islam Seyyed Abdul Fattah Nawab, the head of the delegation of the Supreme Leader in Hajj, in which we read: Undoubtedly, The World Hajj Congress is a complete manifestation and expression of the religious behaviour and unity of Muslims in all fields. No rites and worship can awaken the dormant forces of the Islamic nation on the path of reviving Islamic values and fighting against the evils and ancient enemies like the Hajj. On the other hand, it can be said that the true heralds of Islamic unity and solidarity are the sincere believers who, in addition to worship and individual conduct, have made Jihad with property and soul their example and permanent method, and have not been afraid of countless enemies.

The article "Hajj: The Promise of Lovers and the Opportunity to Help the Oppressed Palestinians" by Hujjat al-Islam Mohammad Mehdi Imanipour, head of the Islamic Culture and Communications Organization: The Hajj ceremony is one of the appropriate and valuable opportunities to address the issue of Palestine, and Muslims should conscientiously appreciate this valuable opportunity and step seriously in the direction of aligning and targeting adequate capacities in solving this issue. In this article, the task of the elites, scholars and media activists and the direction for the realization of the new Islamic civilization has been explained.

The article "The Concept of Hajj in Imam Khomeini`s Thought" by Falahzadeh discusses the issue of Hajj from various aspects, including the true nature of Hajj, the political aspects of Hajj, the emphasis on the political and social aspects of Hajj, and the issue of acquittal from polytheists from Imam Khomeini`s point of view. This article also provides completely scientific and specialized content on this topic to the audience.

The text of Hujjat al-Islam Sayyed Abdul Fattah Nawab's speech at the conference "Islamic Unity in the Shadow of the Quran and the Sunnah": This article discusses Islamic unity in the Prophetic Tradition, Islamic unity in the Holy Quran, unity from the perspective of Ahl al-Bayt, and unity from the rational perspective.

Article by Mohammad Mahdi Al-Asfi, "Role of the Hajj in Creating Peaceful Social Relations": The main topics of this article are freedom from selfishness and ego, the divine safe sanctuary is a manifestation of the realm of life, passing through the earthly world and attaining divinity.

The article "Hajj: The Manifestation of Islamic Civilization" written by Mohammad Taghi Modaresi: This article describes the characteristics of Islamic civilization and the components of the true Hajj, and then the elements of Hajj are matched with the features of Islamic civilization in an epistemological and cognitive framework.

The editorial of the magazine, written by Hujjat al-Islam Mohammad Asadi Mowahed, focuses on how to use the opportunity of the Hajj to confront the Palestinian issue and explain the aspects of this issue for the Hajj pilgrims.

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