The 377th Issue of "Al-WAHDAH" Magazine was Published

The 377th issue of Al-Wahdah magazine was assigned to Martyr Haj Qasem Soleimani.

On the occasion of the commemoration of the third anniversary of the martyrdom of Major General Haj Qasem Soleimani, Alhoda International, Cultural, Artistic and Publishing Institution allocated the 377th edition of its Arabic publication entitled "Al-Wahdah" to that Noble Martyr to introduce the dimensions of Soleimani`s school and the cultural diplomacy of the holy system of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

This special issue has introduced and explained the character traits, leadership aspects, elements of military doctrine, and spiritual and moral virtues of this brave martyr.

In parts of the editorial and titles of this publication, we read: "One of the most important approaches that the great founder of the Islamic Revolution has always emphasized is to expel the aliens from the region. Undoubtedly, one of the most influential international figures today is the Martyr Lieutenant General Qasem Soleimani, whose effective presence on the international stage not only helped restore security and stability to countries such as Syria and Iraq but also had a significant impact on the discourse of resistance.

Over the past decade, the Arbaeen procession has become a global media headline and the major topic of global think tanks. The role of Sardar Martyr Soleimani and the defenders of the Haram Al-Allah in organizing the Arbaeen procession and its annual holding in complete safety is a matter that no one can hide.

A Hero without Borders

Everywhere in the world, in any religion or ritual, when Haj Qasem`s name is mentioned, the face of a man who is the ambassador of peace and humanity comes to mind. This man did not demand freedom for the oppressed and defend their rights in the media and the other side of the microphone but was the first person present in the field and in any part of the world to confront the enemies.

The Important Role of Martyr Soleimani in Deporting ISIS from Iraq

In 2003, the United States launched a full-scale military offensive in Iraq, overthrowing Saddam`s regime and eventually occupying the country. As a result, many people were killed in the country and much of Iraq's infrastructure was destroyed.

When a Muslim Cries Out for Help...

Islam is the religion of attention! According to the holy religion of Islam, mutual neglect for Muslims is unfair to any Muslim, and this is an important and central principle that is the source of the Prophetic hadith with the theme that "Whoever hears the cry of the oppressed and does not go to his aid is not a Muslim". A brief look at the activities of the Quds Corps in Iraq and Syria and reviewing the memories of its commanders and soldiers can help us to understand more deeply the significance of Iran's interventions in Iraq and Syria!


The file of this issue can be downloaded here:

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